Directions and Important Phone Numbers
To the Paramount Plaza from
Interstate 75
Exit 382, Williston Road and
head east.
Go 2.0 miles; turn left (north)
onto SW 13 Street.
Go 0.7 miles; turn left onto SW 14 Drive.
To the Baughman Center from
Interstate 75
Exit 384, Archer Road and
head east.
Go 1.0 mile; turn left (north)
onto 34 Street.
Go 0.8 miles; turn right (east) onto Hull Road.
Go 0.5 miles; turn left
onto (north) Museum Road.
The Baughman Center is
located 0.3 miles on your right.
To the Paramount Plaza from
the Baughman Center
Exit southbound on Museum
Turn a left (east) onto Hull Road.
Go 0.4 miles; turn right (south) on SW 23 Drive.
Go 0.2 miles; turn left (east)
onto Archer Road.
Go 1.3 miles; turn right (south)
onto 13 Street.
Go 1.2 miles; turn right onto SW 14 Drive.