Aidan's Second Birthday
On April 24, 2006, Aidan turned a glorious two years old. He now weighs 22 ½ lbs and is 32 inches long. Currently he is obsessed with Spongebob Squarepants. He also loves all things cars. His favorite pastime is to grab my car keys, get into the car, attempt to put on the seat belt and try to get the key in the ignition. Additionally, he has discovered that he can use the stool that Grandma Carolyn gave him to turn on and off the lights and water faucets. So now the lights are continuously on and the water free flowing. Oh, all the wonderful things Aidan can do as he grows and explores the world around him! :-) Aidan is very appreciative of all the gifts he has received from family and friends, and he would like to thank everybody that called and emailed him to wish him well.
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